How do artists create meaning?
Trebuchet is a biannual publication that charts the evolution of Art through the insights of its leading artists.
Latest Edition: Art & Psychology
“I found I could say things with colour and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way – things I had no words for.” Georgia O'Keefe
Figures on Time's Horizon: Daniel Boyd
Wound Space: Bracha Ettinger
Making Faces: Rabia Farooqui
Can Curating Care?
Colours in Motion: Bernard Frize
Trauma & The Body: Tonia Nneji and Jamie Luoto
Apprehending the worlds of Langlands & Bell, and Chalkley
Patterns and Reproductions: Psycholoigcal Music
Feminist Identities: Masks of Resistance
The Tourist Mindset: Michael Schindhelm
Inside the Pink Bear: LUAP
Profile: Dr Apinan Poshyananda

Trebuchet Subscriptions
4 issues, 144 pages, full colour luxury print. Limited edition art print with every subscription. Postage, packaging, and taxes included in price.